Below are a series of various online resources to learn more about legislation in the City of New Orleans, permitting, and planning documents. Click on the Link button in each section for further information about these resources.
The City Planning Commission website hosts a number of important documents and tools. CPC meeting agendas, videos, and staff reports can be viewed on the website as well as regulatory and planning documents such as the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and the Master Plan.
NoticeMe is a personalized notification tool that emails citizens to inform them of opportunities for public input on proposed land-use changes. This system that offers a way for interested parties to stay informed for land use proposals in an individually selected area. Once registered, the email address will receive notices of when a public hearing is scheduled and when a report is ready. You will also be notified of the action of the City Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Adjustments.
The One Stop App pulls up-to-date information directly from the City's official record. This tool is used by homeowners, businesses, licensed professionals, developers, contactors, and other interested citizens to:
Find information about a permit, license, planning project, or violation in progress.
Initiate an application for many types of permits and licenses without coming to City Hall.
Pay with credit cards for permits and licenses online.
Research what has been permitted, licensed, or cited at a particular location or during a user defined time frame.
The Property Viewer provides zoning and land use information for all properties within the City of New Orleans. The Property Viewer displays “layers” of information that includes the Master Plan Future Land Use Map, zoning districts, and the locations of site-specific zoning actions approved by ordinance which includes Conditional Uses, Exceptional Uses, and Planned Development Districts. Links are provided that can take the viewer to the
applicable section of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Assessor records.
Gov Delivery is a City notification system that emails or texts City Planning Commission and/or Board of Zoning Adjustments public hearing notices and meeting agendas.